Maintanance services geared motors and inverters

We offer a wide tange of services in the field of:

auto ctn

  • Evaulation of technical condition
    On the basis of the expertise is made diagnosis of individual components needed for the assessment of the degree wear.
    As a result of the expertise components we qualify for:
    • Overexploited - not suitable for further work (eg. seals, berings, oil, etc.)
    • Technically efficient - suitable for further use (eg. shafts, gear wheels, housings, etc.)
    On the basis of the assessment is prepared individual offer for the customer.
    Accepted the offer by the Client is carried as agreed.
  • Selective repair to full fitness unit
    After approval of the offer by the customer, drive is subjected to a repair in order to reuse the unit. 
    Used for this purpose are genuine, reputable companies spare parts.
    Renovated geared motor, gear unit, motor in the final process is subject to renovation paint finish.
  • Inspection and Maintanance
    CTN inspections and maintenance at the customer to help prevent failures, prolongs the service life, minimizes downtime of technological lines.
    What we offer:
    • Checking the method of instalation, operating position, correcting the position of the breather valve gear unit
    • Checking, replace the seals and closing caps
    • Periodic oil change according to the manufacturer's requirements
    • Cleaning and control of the brake motors
    • Control of the correct selection of the inverter to the motor
  • Warranty
    As a result of the expertise and the removal of faults CTN provides the customer a 12-month warranty.


Our knowledge and technical expertise allows us to provide maintenance services not only units of one manufacturer.
Give us to analyze and we assess and repair any drive unit.


You extend the warranty to 5 years using inverter  

Catalog products

Geared Motors

Electric Motors

Frequency Inverters

Gearboxes with adapter